On Sunday, I attended a networking event put on by small local business influencer Tash Cook called the Brag About Your Business (B.A.Y.B) Harvest Social. This is my second time attending one of Tash's networking events, and I have to say...each time gets more and more magical. Tash truly outdid herself with this one!
This year's venue was enchanting. So many amazing women gathered to brag about their businesses and network! The speeches by Lauren of Canoe and Lake, Adrienne, and Brianna of The Social Connection, were so inspiring and EXACTLY what I needed to hear.
I got to see a bunch of familiar faces from the last event and Instagram, plus I reconnected with an old college friend (Alison, who owns One Love Dream Bridal in Courtice), and I met some new friends along the way! Plus, I got to sample the salted caramel cold brew at Change Makers Refillery and it was delectable.
I'll admit, talking about my business has always been a bit of a challenge for me. I can write a full length novel with ease, but put me in front of other people and ask me to talk about myself and my books, and I suddenly don't know how to word.
These networking events give me the opportunity to get more confident doing just that, because so many other women feel the exact same way. Plus, I have a growing list of small local businesses I can collaborate with to create swag items and beautiful gift baskets for signing events, which is truly exciting! Last year, I had Emily from Cheeky + Mood create beautiful book bath bombs as a gift for my VIP table at the Ignite Your Soul Author Event. This year, Leanne from Sweet Retreat and I tossed around a few ideas for some...phallus inspired candy ideas for next year's Ignite Your Soul Author Event in Toronto.
Tash always manages to put together a wonderful group of supportive women who are genuinely interested in one other's businesses. The atmosphere is so inspiring and uplifting!

Speaking of inspiring and uplifting...Tash had a wall of envelopes with affirmations, and this was mine! Once we collected our affirmations, we wrote down our intentions for 2024 and put them back in the envelope. I forgot to snap a picture of my intentions, but I'm pretty sure it included publishing two new books, getting my books into more local stores, and doing more interviews/appearances.
And the cherry on the icing of a perfect day...at the end of the event, I had a few wonderful ladies follow me back to my truck to buy paperbacks! They cleared me out from every last copy I brought with me, which was a perfect way to end the day. I might make that a regular thing! Maybe I'll call it Tailgate Book Deals.
Before I end this little blog post...I just wanted to thank Tash again for putting on such an amazing networking event, and for being such a fantastic friend and cheerleader!